A Site Selection Study has been completed for the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Facility necessary to provide Transit throughout the City. A M&O Facility’s primary function is to store and maintain the transit fleet. The Consultant Team evaluated seven (7) potential sites for the M&O facility and has ultimately recommended Site 1 which is located at 7420 W. SR-89A (north of the City Wastewater Treatment Plant approximately five miles out of city limits). According to the study, Site 1 is recommended due to having minimal earthwork, large lot size, a compatible land use with adjacent parcels, and ease of access. It is a City-owned parcel and would not have a disproportionately high and adverse impact on environmental justice communities. To complete the Site Selection process and make this project eligible for Federal Funding, a Public Meeting will be held to discuss the Site Selection Process, take any comments, and answer any questions.
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For more information, including the Site Selection Study, go here.